An email digest mail is a regular roundup message that summarizes significant member posts from the network. We call it the "Top picks of the week".
Do add further feedback in comments.
Commented 11 Aug, 2022
Nice progress.
About this channel
Updates, news and views about the MainCross product suite
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Yes, I should be allowed to *edit* any member's post
Yes, I should be allowed to *edit and/or delete* any member's post
Yes, I would like such control, but its too troublesome to administrate in practice
No, I do not see the need for this feature at all
Yes, these should be shown publicly - ie anyone can access without logging in
Yes, these should be shown but NOT publicly - ie only to other members after logging in
No, continue the current strict privacy approach of not revealing much info
Configurable setting per Network Site
Commented 11 Aug, 2022
Nice progress.